搜索 Lessard

  • 讲述在纽约的华盛顿高地,杂货店老板Usnavi在继承了祖母的财产后,将要关掉店铺回到家乡多米尼加共和国过退休生活,对此他百感交集,而拉美裔社区和那里居民的吸引力让他停下来思考。影片围绕Usnavi、一名大学生、一名出租车司机、一位美容院员工和一个渴望更好生活的老妇人展开,随着中产阶级化开始扎根,闷热夏天中,一场停电让个人危机达到前…
  • In this new series, the director Chloé Robichaud, whose first film Sarah préfère la course had a remarkable international career after its official opening at the prestigious Cannes Film Festival, takes us back to the intersecting live…
  • Convinced that his father, who had disappeared in the ocean two years earlier, is still alive, the 12-year-old Felix sets out to find him in the company of old Tom, a retired sailor, Quack, the one-legged pickpocketing parrot and Ulysses the cat, who be
  • 讲述在纽约的华盛顿高地,杂货店老板Usnavi在继承了祖母的财产后,将要关掉店铺回到家乡多米尼加共和国过退休生活,对此他百感交集,而拉美裔社区和那里居民的吸引力让他停下来思考。影片围绕Usnavi、一名大学生、一名出租车司机、一位美容院员工和一个渴望更好生活的老妇人展开,随着中产阶级化开始扎根,闷热夏天中,一场停电让个人危机达到前…
  • In this new series, the director Chloe? Robichaud, whose first film Sarah pre?fe?re la course had a remarkable international career after its official opening at the prestigious Cannes Film Festival, takes us back to the intersecting lives of a dozen characters and offers a new look on the world of lesbians in Quebec. …